EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY (USA) 21h35 sur scène... + GRAVENHURST (UK) 20h30-21h15
Dans le même esprit

{“It is a cold day in Austin, and we are beginning to ready ourselves for the first extensive touring that we have done in a couple of years. Practicing every day, buying warm clothes, et cetera. We are mostly the same people, just a little bit older and more bearded. Please take it easy on us for the first few shows because we will undoubtedly be rusty. (...)
We are also really excited that we will be playing the Coachella festival for the first time (in April), and All Tomorrow's Parties again (in May). There will likely be other festivals in the summer...
We hope to see you soon.
Love" }
Explosions in the Sky
Hier laden junge Menschen, die Spaß am Rocken haben, herzlich dazu ein, den Abend mit ihnen zu verbringen. Also, Bier gekippt und Hintern geschüttelt: So jung kommen wir nicht mehr zusammen. Eine exzellente Postrockband aus Texas.
Le site officiel de EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY:
cliquez ici
Le site myspace de EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY:
cliquez ici
Le site officiel de GRAVENHURST:
cliquez ici
Le site myspace de GRAVENHURST:
cliquez ici
Suggestion du moment
Tarif Carte Culture : 6,00 €
Tarif Carte Atout Voir : 6,00 €